New and Possibly Improved
Motown Singers

When a group of Motown singers loses its front man and reverts back to its ensemble name with a different lead, it's natural though regrettable when the new person doesn't get credit for his efforts.

New background vocalists might have it better, with no departed stars to compare themselves to. :/

The Temptations, a persistent ensemble, may have sidestepped those issues more adeptly than their colleagues.

Regardless of group structure:

Which of the Motown singers below
was the best replacement?

Cindy Birdsong, Supremes
Dennis Edwards, Temptations
Billy Griffin, Miracles
Betty Kelley, Martha and the Vandellas
David Ruffin, Temptations
Jean Terrell, Supremes

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New and Possibly Improved Motown Singers